A chartered building surveyors called us in October 2022 and advised that their website was not performing very well.

Case Study - Chartered Building Surveyors London

A chartered building surveyors called us in October 2022 and advised that their website was not performing very well.

It actually never had performed well in the eight years since it was built. And now they desperately needed their website to bring them new business.

Eight years ago, they used a flash design agency and took it as read that because the site looked amazing, everything would be amazing, but the web designer employed by the flash design agency had no real experience in building websites.

We had a look and agreed the website looked amazing. Then we looked at the code and discovered that the website had been built using a Wordpress template, and not a terrifically great template either. We quickly identified a number of very basic textbook errors and then found advanced errors in the code and advised the surveyors what we found. Some were mistakes that that Google will find just about acceptable, but some were more likely to get the website blocked.

Their visitors over the last eight years averaged 2 per day. We made some changes, fixed the simplest errors in the code (some are going to take a little longer to resolve). Their position started to improve within a month and they were are now receiving over 11 visitors per day and below is the graph that we sent them.


Chartered Building Surveyors London

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