The answer is that SEO has not become convoluted - humans have made it convoluted. The outcome is bad websites, bad code, further compounded by bad theories and made up buzz words.
The answer is that SEO has not become convoluted - humans have made it convoluted.
The basics have hardly changed since search engines were invented. But, put simply, what should be a fairly easy and straight forward process has been twisted over the years by people who do not know what they are doing.
As time has progressed, humans have managed to create worse and worse websites for what they believe would become the making of a self build world or "web 2.0 or 3.0".
The outcome is bad websites, bad code, further compounded by bad theories and made up buzz words.
Unfortunately humans get theories or ideas and they tell themselves it works! Then they go out telling others, hold conferences about it, and like a plague of locusts, everyone goes out and starts using bad web systems, creating blogs and buying backlinks!
All the time that humans believe they can take short cuts or cheat the system; millions of opportunists will take advantage of them, selling them poor websites, dreaming up new super buzz words for page scores, backlinks and adding stories.
If you think paying someone to create backlinks or blogs will work - it won't!
Are you trying to create backlinks? Google is not stupid, it knows anyone can create backlinks or buy them from anyone who will take your money, even the higher ranking sites. This bad practice has been around for over 10 years.
We have met scores of businesses who have created lots of pages and managed only to dilute their search engine score. They started out well, with a three or five page site, paid a professional to write blog pages, a professional agency to create hundreds or thousands of backlinks, and now they are nowhere to be seen on Google.
Your site should rank well before you start to add pages - or those pages will only drag your site down.
And it is harder to undo all of this work than it is to do it correctly in the first place. Search engines pay a massive amount of attention to your home page, so thousands of one page sites are above sites with hundreds of pages. If you do need to add pages, they need to be added in a structured way.
SEO comes from the heart. Search engines are smart, they know when you are faking it or when you have changed something on your website for genuine purposes.
If you were to write a website properly from the first line of code, making everything accessible and uncluttered - you will be firing on all cylinders!